Speed and agility training is one of the most important things for athletes, especially those involved in field sports. It helps improve change of direction, quick feet,...
Force application when sprinting is the key to maximizing your overall sprint performance in all three phases of the sprint. In this article, we will be expanding more on how...
When it comes to speed and developing athletes to run faster there is no one that thinks about it more than I do. Ever since going down this journey of finding the secrets of how to...
The more I analyze the top quarterbacks in the national football league the more evident it becomes what truly separates them is their arm strength. The ability to...
As sports fans, we love to see our favorite athletes perform at the highest level. However, we don’t often think about the dangers that come with playing sports. Every year,...
Some of the best strength training exercises to do in order to improve speed with tutorials of how to do the exercises correctly to get the greatest improvement