Biomechanics Lab In Los Angeles And Why It Is Important For Sports Performance
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Only marker-less biomechanics lab, in Los Angeles, that provides the most in-depth movement assessment.

About Our Biomechanics Lab
What Biomechanics Means?
Biomechanics is the study of mechanical laws relating to the movement or structure of living organisms and living things.
Why is Biomechanics Important for Human Motion?
Biomechanics affects all of us. Many of us will suffer with mechanical pain or injury in our lower limbs or back.
- The importance leads to key benefits to keep athletes in the right shape and state of mind for performance in sport.
- Biomechanics also heightens general wellbeing and speeds up recovery for athletes.
Some benefits include:
- Increased movement in speed (Running, swimming etc.)
- More power (jumping, lifting etc.)
- Energy conservation through human movement
- Eliminate muscle imbalances
- Reduces wear and tear + injury on joints and ligaments endured through movements in sport and performance
- Improved sport specific form and technique
What are biomechanics in Sport?
- Sports biomechanics is one of the fundamental disciplines in the broader field of sports science. Sports biomechanics places further emphasis on understanding the relationship between kinetics and physical performance.
- This allows for greater analysis for physical aspects of performance and everyday movements to the human body. This can play a greater part for injury prevention in terms of movement patterns and human factors.
- The results of biomechanics lead to an improved performance of athletes and reduces injury occurrence. This can include making adjustments in exercise, sports performance and technique.
- Principles teach proper techniques, effective posture and minimal muscle force. This leads to more efficient results in body moves and muscle strength in order to improve sport performance. Techniques correct errors in the ergonomics of life and exercise of physical activity to improve athletes’ performance with the aid of personal trainers and physical therapists.
- Sports equipment and sports medicine is developed to aid recovery and health of the human body. Further research can help prevent injuries for the future while place further emphasis to develop opportunities for research projects.
How Biomechanics Prevents Injury for Human Movement?
- It is important the right applied science and exercise science is taken into account to prevent injury to the body. The right exercise should be done in an experimental manner first before carrying out in practice. Muscles and the body should be looked after to ensure health and ergonomics is looked after for life after sport and performance.
- An analysis on biomechanics can help the modern athlete spot potential issue before risks occur. This can then produce data that can lead to more research conducted on research projects to aid body moves, human factors, movement, health and ergonomics. This will support the role biomechanics and mechanics has on human movement and the body.
- A biomechanics analysis can produce data which can show time of initial contact with the ground to when injury occurs. This analysis can then build awareness and preparation for the body to go through certain types of human movements and exercise that allows sports to be carried out in an experimental manner.
- The more an athlete repeats and corrects their human movement, the body will then be able to move in a certain motion without fatigue or any other thoughts coming into the mind of an athlete. It’s never too early to start understanding movements undertaken by the human body in order for injury prevention to occur within biomechanics research.
How can Biomechanics Improve Athletic Performance for Human Movement?
- The better the technique is using each movement, the more likely they are to perform well in physical activity for injury prevention to occur. This can then improve their muscles and muscle strength when playing sport and ensure their exercise is completed to a high standard and improve health along the way.
- Using biomechanics, an athlete can look at data in every small detail possible. Data can be conducted at a university and/or sports department to gather key findings. Key data that is important will include running, jumping, throwing and changing directions. This will have an impact on sports played and exercise practiced on a regular basis. Further research can improve use of sports medicine, sports science and sport health to aid injury.
- Power is a result of strength and speed for human motion and movement patterns. This means applying force as large as possible in a restricted time to support functional anatomy. Without power, there will be a high chance of joints overloading and tissue tears. This will cause more injuries due to a lack of understanding and research undertaken with biomechanics in order to increase motion when training.
- Training should include focusing on compound movements to target and engage. This includes squats and deadlifts to focus on all lower body exercises. Core strength training to equate to solid stability. The core is the foundation of the body in regard to biomechanics motion and prevention of injuries. Upper body mechanics must also not be forgotten.
How is Kinesiology Different to Biomechanics?
- Biomechanics is the subdiscipline and subbranch of kinesiology. Kinesiology is a study of science related to human body movement. Kinesiology is non-invasive and client centered. Kinesiology is a wholistic and integrative modality which requires the skills of monitoring muscles for anatomy, physiology and psychological stressors within a person and their body movement.
- The non-invasive techniques come from the research of science study. This research is then used to maintain the health of each and every human to ensure life can be fulfilled to participate in sport, exercise and physical activity.
- The research is also used to produce data that can be used as goals to identify imbalances and resolve them within the study of kinesiology to be applied.
- The research and science of kinesiology empowers people to make the right choice.
What are the Types of Human Movement?
- Flexion/Extension: Flexion involves decreasing the angle between two body parts or bone structures taking part in the movement. Flexion is also known as bending. Extension involves increasing the respective angle. Extension is also known as straightening. Flexion and extension occur in the knee, elbow, shoulder, neck, vertebral column and foot.
- Protrusion/retrusion: Both movements take place in the sagittal plane. They are related to the frontal/coronal axis and take place in parallel. Retrusion is the opposite and involves going backwards. Such actions occur in the tongue, chin and lips.
- Lateral/medial rotation: Rotation happens in the transverse plane around a vertical (longitudinal) axis relative to the median plane. Medial rotation involves anatomical structure closer to the median plane. Lateral rotation involves moving it further away. Both rotations take part in the head, arm and legs.
- Pronation/supination: These are considered to be two special types of rotations. They are restricted to the forearm. They involve the radius twisting over the ulna.
- Circumduction: A special type of movement that involves a combination of movements. Circumduction starts with flexion, followed by abduction extension and finally adduction. The order must be sequential but can start with either flexion or adduction. The end result is circular movement. With multitude of movements in place, circumduction is restricted to the shoulder and hip.
- Hyperflexion/Hyperextension: Exaggerated movements that occur beyond normal limit permitted by a joint. It can happen in the limbs or vertebral column. Hyperextension happens as a result of sudden acceleration and deceleration.
Benefits of Therapy
- Treat symptoms of illness
- Reduce stress
- Improve cognitive function
- Increase self-awareness
- Regulate mood and behavior
- Improve coordination and flexibility
- Improve the quality of life in patients
The Musculoskeletal System
The musculoskeletal system supports each person’s body weight, maintain posture and help move around. It includes:
- Bones
- Cartilage
- Ligaments
- Tendons
- Connective tissues
The nervous system controls voluntary muscle movements.
Conditions that affect the musculoskeletal system include:
- Aging
- Arthritis
- Back problems
- Cancer
- Congenital abnormalities
- Disease
- Injuries
The most common conditions are:
- Low back pain
- Arthritis
- Broken bones
- Sprains
- Strains
Everyone will incur pain in muscles and joints from time to time. To keep musculoskeletal system healthy, activities to do should include:
- Exercising regularly
- Getting plenty of sleep
- Maintaining a healthy body mass
- Make healthy food choices
- Quit smoking and avoid tobacco
- Take up regular checkups and age-appropriate health screenings
If you have or experience any pain, swelling, stiffness, decreased range of motion or moving problems, contact a doctor or someone who specializes in biomechanics and/or kinesiology. A person who specializes in this area can provide the right treatments. For people in sports, the right sports medicine can be provided.
What is a Biomechanics Laboratory?
Biomechanics laboratories are designed to perform technical analysis and understand mechanical factors that affect human movement, which can help identify beneficial physical therapy exercises.
The study and research from the fields of biomechanics and kinesiology is then used to identify problems and resolve. This can then create solutions and new innovations to be practiced and passed on for future treatments.
The emerging and evolving use of software in laboratories allows for users to create models, process signals and produce reports for data and research gathered. Such data can provide benefit to personal trainers, physical therapists, university staff to pass onto the athlete in need to enhance performance while minimizing injury risk.
What Equipment and Tools are used in a Biomechanics Laboratory?
- Ground Reaction Force Plates. The plates are used to measure the force applied by one person onto the ground. The collection of ground reaction forces allows for data intake of quantitative variables for use into biomechanics.
- Motion Capture System. This high-speed system is used to capture human movement in a variety of situations through research. The data and information captured is then used to analyze and evaluate the effectiveness of movement used to improve performance and reduce injury. This data allows for examination on ground reaction forces, joint moments and muscle activations.
- Wireless EMG System. The surface system is used to evaluate patterns and intensities of muscle activations. The evaluation of these changes occurs with pre and post training interventions. The comparison and evaluation of muscle intensities happens across different types of exercises.
- Visual 3D Software. The software provides the biomechanics laboratory the capability to collect, integrate and process biomechanical data. The data includes forces, motions, accelerometry and muscle activation.
The Study of Biomechanics
The study of biomechanics can lead to career options such as a biomechanical researcher and a biomechanical engineer. To prepare for a career in biomechanics, it is recommended students undertake and obtain university qualifications.
- Undergraduate study within Kinesiology leads to undertaking courses such as physiology, engineering and sports medicine.
- A Master’s degree will provide a more detailed technical background in biomechanics useful for engineers and technicians.
- A Ph.D. can lead to more researchers gaining senior responsibilities in research within the biomechanics field.
Role Requirements in Biomechanics – Gait Analysis Los Angeles
- Design restraint system studies to determine likely injury risks and optimum restraint systems
- Review simulations of field data using 3D Software
- Develop estimates of risk from occupant configurations
- Assist in aggregate studies of impacts based on risk of injury
- Assist in coordination and oversight of test execution for correlation, development validation for calibration purposes
An 8-page personalized report is created within minutes of completing your movement assessment. The report locates and targets muscle weakness, asymmetries, injury risk, and areas to improve.
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