How To Throw a Spiral Football (Quarterback Mechanics)
As a quarterback, there are really two things you are judged on: 1. How hard can you throw the football? and 2. How good is your spiral? In this post, we’ll look at 5 ways you can ensure to throw a perfect spiral. As a Quarterback, making the proper throwing motion for a consistent spiral can be difficult as you need to avoid a few common mistakes. If you’ve asked yourself, “Why can’t I throw a spiral?” This is the perfect read for you!
Now before we get into the specifics of how to throw a spiral I want you to understand that results may vary. Not everyone has the same anatomy and physiology and while this will work for the vast majority of quarterbacks there may be some that need some specific tweaks in order to achieve the perfect spiral that is outside of the normal circumstances.
Additionally, there are factors outside of how you are holding the ball that I did not mention such as foot position, pressure, timing, etc.
If you are reading this blog post, chances are you already know how to throw a spiral and are looking for ways to throw a perfect spiral every time. Let’s have a look at the 5 most important tips to master the art of throwing a spiral. If you want to learn more about becoming an even better quarterback, read more here.
1. Nose towards the target
When you are throwing the football, you want to make sure that nose of the football should always be facing your target, and that you have your feet shoulder width apart. If the nose of the football faces sideways, you won’t be able to get your wrist in the neutral position.
If the nose of the football is facing up or down it becomes more difficult to release the ball with the index finder, therefore, causing the football to spin uncontrollably. In order to best predict the spin of the football you want to have the most consistent release possible during your throwing motion and to make sure you’re holding the ball correctly. Making sure the nose of the football is facing the target is the best way I have found in achieving that (when throwing a deep ball the target is upwards).
2. A C-Shaped Hand
When throwing a football, the next thing you should make sure of is that your throwing hand should make a c-shape when holding the ball. You should absolutely avoid making a u-shape when holding the ball. Most people, especially those who are new to football, forget this crucial technique and end up struggling with the timing of flicking the wrist and therefore struggle with throwing a consistent spiral.
If your hand is u-shaped when holding the football and the nose of the football is facing sideways, there is a 95% chance you are not throwing a spiral. When releasing the football the hand needs to be in a C-shaped position with the wrist neutral to best increase your chances of throwing a spiral.
3. The Right Grip
Another big thing that you should focus on while throwing a football is the grip. When the ball is leaving your hand, your index finger should be the last thing that touches during the throw. This really impacts your ability to throw a spiral because when it comes off from the correct part of your index finger, it generates the spiral that you are looking for in the throw. Your middle finger should settle along the top lace for the best control over the football.
If you release the ball from the outside part of your index finger, it might not generate the spiral. You’re going to feel it when you release the ball, you’ll notice the spiral coming off perfectly when you release the throw from the correct part of your index finger.
4. The Front Arm and the Front Shoulder
Your front arm and front shoulder should not be open when throwing a football (see the poster below). If you open them up, chances are that the direction of your football during the throw would be sideways ultimately spiral inconsistently.
Your head should also not come to the side, this is important as well. You can ensure this by not opening your upper arm and front shoulder during your throw.
5. Elbow Position
The last thing you want to make sure of is the position of your elbow. Your elbow should not be too far away from your body when you are releasing the ball. It should not be too low either, you want to get your elbow forward and through with the launch.
If your elbow loses that natural position, the nose of your football will face sideways and this is one of the two things we want to avoid while throwing the ball. The other thing is maintaining the c-shape when throwing the football rather than the u-shape. Make sure you are bringing your throwing arm straight back and bending your elbow at 90 degrees.
Here Are The 3 Simple Steps You Need To Take To Start Improving Your Throw. Learn More Below
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Learn How to Throw a Football at Performance Lab
These were the big things that actually have a really big impact on how do you throw a spiral. Remember, it’s not just about being able to throw a spiral once and being happy about it, it’s about consistency and accuracy. You want to reach a level where you get the spiral right more than 90% of the time.
Sometimes, during the actual game, it’s natural to miss out on throwing a spiral and this is nothing to feel embarrassed about. The harder you train in the gym, the better you perform on the field and better your throwing power will be. Keep your focus and train hard, work on these tips and you’ll be able to throw the spiral most of the time. If you’re looking to maximize your throwing distance, check out some of our tips here.
If you liked the information presented in this blog post, check out our official website to develop an in-depth understanding of throwing mechanics and running. The programs we offer are specifically designed to train you to become a better athlete.
Have a great day!